Meet Ceren
Diversity Dive
Ceren is a behavioral scientist. Her expertise centres around inclusive institutional cultures, effective professionalisation for the development of these cultures, and implications of inclusive practices and intercultural
communication on intergroup dynamics and motivation.
She is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Amsterdam, Psychology Department, where she examines psychological and sociocultural change upon extended intercultural contact in culturally plural societies, and develops
materials and educates the academic staff on teaching in international classrooms through the university’s Teaching and Learning Centre. She applies her state-of-the-art scientific knowledge to her practice as a self-standing trainer
at Diversity Dive.
She resides in The Netherlands as an expat and has previously lived-in four different countries. She speaks fluent Turkish and English, and intermediate levels of Dutch and French.
She brings together research-based knowledge, skills, and tools from psychological and educational sciences to explore ways in which we can create diverse and inclusive environments where everyone has psychological safety and equitable
opportunities to thrive. She bases her teaching and coaching approach on experiential learning. With this approach, individuals “learn by doing”, and connect new knowledge to their lived experiences through reflection and critical
thinking, and synthesise this knowledge to apply to new situations. This approach is important in her practice as it encourages individuals to explore and appreciate what they themselves can bring to the table.